Volume 41 (2016)


Annelies Kuyt

Reflections on Dreams in Hekhalot Literature in Comparison with Apocalyptic and Magical Literature, p. 1-18.


Saskia Dönitz unter Mitwirkung von Elisabeth Hollender

Knotenpunkt Byzanz: Aharon ben Yosef und die Vermittlung sefardisch-andalusischer Traditionen nach Byzanz, p. 19-36.


Riikka Tuori

Notes on Karaite Hebrew Qinot: Mourning and Poetry in Eastern Europe, p. 37-53.


Claudia Rosenzweig

Teshuʿat Israel: A Yiddish Translation of a Defense Against the Blood Libel, p. 55-75.


Constantine B. Lerner

The Jews of Georgia: A Social History of the Community (Second Century BCE - First Half of the Nineteenth Century CE), p. 77-109.


Lali Guledani

The Judaic Phenomenon According to Ancient Georgian Sources, p. 111-123.


Review, p. 125-145.


Received books, p. 147.


Correction, p. 149.


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