Rebekka Voß
Johann Jacob Schudt’s “Jewish Notabilia”: Historical Context and Historiographic Significance, p. 1 – 34.
I. Describing the “Other”: Ethnography, Hebraism and Orientalism in the Eighteenth Century
Yaacov Deutsch
Schudt and Ethnography of Jews and Judaism in the Early Modern Period, p. 37 – 46.
Stephen G. Burnett
Schudt and German Christian Hebraism, p. 47 – 61.
Ivan Kalmar
Early Orientalism and the Jews: Baroque Ethnography and Johann Jacob Schudt’s “Jewish Memorabilia”, p. 63 – 76.
II. Modes of Collecting and Writing Jewish History
David Schnur
Frankfurter Archivalien in den »Jüdischen Merckwürdigkeiten«: Beobachtungen zu Schudts spätmittelalterlicher Quellengrundlage und ihrer Stellung im Gesamtwerk, p. 79 – 101.
Simon Neuberg
Some Philological and Bibliographical Aspects of Yiddish Texts in Schudt,p. 103 – 114.
Maria Diemling
About Bakers, Butchers, Geese and Pigs: Food and the Negotiating of Boundaries Between Jews and Christians in Johann Jacob Schudt’s “Jüdische Merckwürdigkeiten”, p. 115 – 138.
III. Constructing the Jewish “Other” in the Eighteenth Century
Carsten L. Wilke
From Deicide to Diaspora: The Construction of Jewish World History in Johann Jacob Schudt’s Latin Writings, p. 141 – 165.
Pavel Sládek
Early Modern Polemical Anti-Ethnographies of Jews: An Unpublished Book on Jewish Mores by the Czech Catholic Priest Karel Jugl, p. 167 – 198.
Iris Idelson-Shein
Othering from the Outside: Jews and “Race” During the Early-Modern Period, p. 199 – 219.
IV. Contextualizing Frankfurt: Urban Jewries circa 1700
Stefan Litt, co-authored by Rahel Blum
The Situation of Frankfurt’s Jewish Community Around 1700 (1675–1711), p. 223 – 237.
Rachel L. Greenblatt
On Jewish Prague in the Age of Schudt’s Frankfurt: Two Jewish Towns in Celebration on the Birth of an Heir to the Habsburg Throne (1716), p. 239 – 257.
Yosef Kaplan
Amsterdam’s Jewry as Perceived by English Tourists and Other Christian Visitors in the Seventeenth Century, p. 259 – 283.
Stephan Laux
“Ersatzbürgertum” in the Wake of Confessionalization: Jews, Protestants, and French Royal Administration in Metz (16th–17th Century), p. 285 – 307.
Elissa Sampson; Jonathan Boyarin
Louis Wirth and the American Image of the Frankfurt Ghetto, p. 309 – 328.
Preliminary Bibliography of Schudt’s Published Works, p. 329 – 336.
Received books, p. 337.